Educational Plan

Our Mission

With our Halls of Residence, we aim to promote hospitality and educational guidance to university students off campus. It is our wish that the life experience in the Hall of Residence, while respecting different personal sensibilities and backgrounds, becomes a source of human and Christian maturity, cultural and civic learning and greater responsibility. Our Educational Plan follows the guidelines of our work in the Halls of Residence for students, educators (directors, spiritual advisers and tutors) and workers, each to the extent of their skills and duties.

Personal responsibility

Through the experience of living in a Hall of Residence, we want to create a community based on a culture of personal responsibility that is capable of shaping free will informed by awareness and respect for everyone’s diverse individuality. This is why we believe it is essential to follow the rules, voluntarily accept and assume limits and mutual obligations and take personal and collective responsibility for the common good.

The vitality of relationships

The Hall of Residence is meant to be an environment that fosters meaningful, subjective experiences in the creation of authentic bonds through gathering and dialogue, listening and discussion. Through real relationships, the students learn to find a common meeting ground with others. This is why we see the Hall of Residence as a fruitful opportunity to forge new bonds of friendship and ideas. Living in the Hall of Residence means living in a shared space and time, in which students learn to build a network of authentic relationships that help them discover a sense of community.


From an evangelical perspective, the relationship that guides us in our search for the meaning of life and knowledge of the mystery of existence is our relationship with Jesus of Nazareth, the true meeting ground with God.

Cultural dynamism

We see the university hall of residence as a culturally vibrant and stimulating environment that helps students become active players in the acquisition of knowledge. Cultural dynamism is based on the yearning for knowledge. A yearning for knowledge springs forth from personal initiative, curiosity, reflection, originality and independent decision-making. A culturally dynamic environment stimulates students and drives their dedication and commitment to their studies, while also fuelling their determination and will to complete their programme of study.

Spiritual exploration

It is our conviction that spirituality brings meaning and substance to one’s life, and that it is deeply personal. Through gatherings and individual and group discussion, we help develop this awareness and the understanding that cultivating our spirituality completes us as human beings.

Our method

We believe that we achieve the aims inherent to the approach of our Hall of Residence:


To implement this Plan, each of the Foundation’s Halls of Residence uses the concrete tools that best express its identity.

Our history

Fondazione La Vincenziana is part of the Milan Diocese.

It was founded as an ecclesiastical body on 11 May 1934 and as a body recognised under civil law on 18 May 1935 by Cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, who bestowed on it the “essential purpose of providing religious assistance to young workers without family in Milan”.

Indeed, at that time, many young men from villages in Lombardy and other Italian regions found work in Milan but ran the risk of “losing their way”. Instead, the Foundation offered them accommodation in a Hostel run by a priest, where they could enjoy a family atmosphere, assistance with the difficulties of life away from home and guidance to grow in the faith.

In the 1970s, the Foundation expanded its activities when it began managing a few Halls of Residence for university students in the city of Milan and various Hostels for workers that Fondazione Opere Sociali della Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde (the Social Works Foundation of the Lombardy Province Savings Banks) had built for migrant workers from Southern Italy.

Today, the Foundation runs the following accommodation facilities:

  • San Paolo University Hall of Residence
  • San Filippo Neri University Hall of Residence
  • Bertoni University House

The Foundation is a non-profit organisation managed by a Board of five people (one chairman and four directors) appointed by the Archbishop. It is based in Piazza Fontana 2, Milan.